Track Suit

Track Suit

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here's a throwback sketch that features an integral part of today's annual getting dressed tradition: stretchy pants!

I sincerely hope that you are able to have a peaceful, expansive, gratitude - filled holiday in the company of your loved ones. If you are feeling anxious about election talk with your family members who may have differing views than yours, I encourage you to look over this helpful document from Showing Up For Racial Justice. It provides helpful talking points and questions to engage in a meaningful dialogue, with the goal of greater understanding and acceptance from all sides. 

If you are in the generous, giving spirit, consider contributing to this Wish List for the people of Flint, Michigan, who still do not have access to safe drinking water. We all deserve the right to a healthy life, no matter our zip code. 

I am thankful to be alive on this earth, having the opportunity to express my truest purpose, to share a little bit of beauty, joy, and light. 

All my love to you on this day of thanks,



Closet Sketches at Willow DC 11th St. Pop Up

Closet Sketches at Willow DC 11th St. Pop Up

Closet Sketches at Proper Topper

Closet Sketches at Proper Topper